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Pair 7 - Paul RUAN / Kevin GU
Place this match: 6, Percentage: 45.83%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 199: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL2S WCK62008100% M
Board 209: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL4S NSJ13710562% M
Board 219: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL4H ES511-45000% M
Board 229: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL3S EH611-2008100% M
Board 239: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL3NT WS510-630112% M
Board 249: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL4S SH310420562% M
Board 259: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL4H WS39100338% M
Board 269: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL3C ES611-150112% M
Board 279: Margaret KLASSEN / Robyn O'DELL3H WDA9-140225% M

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