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Pair 8 - Franci HALMOS / Bertha DEMBO
Place this match: 4, Percentage: 52.78%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 103: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE2H ED49-140338% M
Board 113: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE3D SS61013000% M
Board 123: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE4H EC7950225% M
Board 133: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE4S WHJ91008100% M
Board 143: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE2H ECK9-14000% M
Board 153: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE4C ES910-130562% M
Board 163: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE3HX NCA95308100% M
Board 173: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE3D SSA91108100% M
Board 183: John ADAMS / Steven WHITE3S SHA8-100450% M

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